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How can I learn the Basics of Christianity?

The pastor or Elder of Calvary would gladly meet with you to help you investigate the claims of Christ or you may join one of the small group Bible studies that meet at various times and in different locations in our community.

Jesus said, "If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.' But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive." ( John 7:37-39). If you are thirsty for sprititual reality come to Christ, by believing on Him as Savior and Lord, and He will quench your thirst.

"Only as the church binds together those whom selfishness and hate have cut apart will its message be heard and its ministry of hope to the friendless be received.

"The need of the secular world is greatest at the very points where its criticism of the church is most intense. Only God's truth can set people free; for the church to concede the secular assumption of a chance universe is to deny both Christ's lordship and its own meaning. The church is the community of the Word, the Word that reveals the plan and purpose of God. In the church the gospel is preached, believed, obeyed. It is the pillar and ground of the truth because it holds fast the Scriptures ( Philippians 2:16)."
— Edmund P. Clowney

Calvary Community Church was established to join with all the other Christ-exalting, Bible-believing local churches in this area in the advance of the gospel of Jesus Christ both here and around the world. 

"Do we have a good spiritual appetite for the word of God and an experience of the grace of God? Some people hear the preaching merely in order to have their own ideas confirmed. Others go to pass judgement on the preacher. Only a few prepare themselves to receive the word of God into their hearts. As we grow older we lose much of our natural appetite for food. We say it does not taste as good as when we were younger. But the change is in ourselves, not in the food. So it is with the word of God which the Palmist says is sweeter than honey and the honeycomb ( Psalm 19:10). If we were hungry, we would find a sweetness in its bitterest reproofs." — John Owen