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Relationship and Identity

Jesus cannot be known apart from his relationship with the Father. This is the main quality or attribute that sets him apart. He loves his father and only does what the Father tells him. Because we are made in God's image and for relationship this explains a lot about who we are. We are persons who cannot be really known apart from our relationships. This is also seen in the trauma experienced by divorced couples. They suffer a major hit to their identity and the personal cost can be tremendous. People can lose their way and feel lost or undone beyond anything they ever imagined.

But this also points to the glorious joy of becoming children of God. The Holy Spirit opens our eyes to the wonder of the gospel; that God has given Himself to us. He did not simply give us something, He gave us Himself. When the Spirit opens our eyes to that we run to Him and receive Him not just a gift from Him. In giving his Son God gives himself to us. It is wonderful that Christ has given himself for us but it is even greater that he has given himself to as as well.