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Community Outreach projects are important opportunities to reach out to lost people in our area in a way that demonstrates the gospel by touching a group of people our church has not reached before.

Outreach ministries might include: food pantry, clothing closet, community Bible study, jail/prison ministry, pregnancy care, after-school program, literacy ministry, job skill training, substance abuse recovery, medical/dental care, homeless shelter/transitional housing, resort/leisure ministry, etc.

Community Outreach Ministries Enable us to:

  • Be the hands and feet of Jesus (Matthew 25:34-40).
  • Serve as agents of spiritual transformation and social justice (Isaiah 58:6-12).
  • Show God’s love to everyone (Luke 14:12-14).
  • Communicate genuine compassion and Christ-like servanthood (John 13:12-17).
  • Share resources with those in need (Acts 2:42-47).

Benefits of Starting New Outreach Ministries:

  • Identifies Prospects.
  • Creates Opportunities for Sharing the Gospel.
  • Connects our church with our Community as we Serve.
  • Reaches Out to the Not Yet Reached.
  • Helps our church Communicate the Gospel in Word and Deed.
  • Renews and Refreshes the Church family.