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Our Purpose

Calvary Community Church is a community of God's people who delight to worship Him and are passionate about the Gospel, seeking to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ in the world.

Our purpose in World Missions is to glorify God by being actively invovled in planting, strengthening, and partnering with churches around the world as we:

  • establish disciple making churches

An Explanation

Evangelize: We believe that mankind is lost and needs to be redeemed through Christ Jesus, whom we proclaim as Savior. All of our ministry is movitated by this belief.

The unreached: Our major focus in world missions is on reaching unevangelized people groups. We want to minister among individuals and communities who have never had the opportunity to understand the Gospel.

Minister to human need: We acknowledge that the ultimate human need is to know God. We also believe that He has called us to compassionate, holistic service in this broken world. Jesus is our example as we minister to people who are suffering because of HIV and AIDS, poverty, illness, or natural disaster.

Disciple believers: This involves teaching the Word of God, helping people to discover their God-given gifts, enabling them to serve others, and helping them become mature in Christ.

Into Churches: We always seek to plant churches or partner with a local church wherever we work.

Equip Churches to Fulfill Christ's Commission: This involves challenging the church to obey Christ's command to make disciples of all nations. We seek to support those who provide leadership training and practical help to enable churches to establish mission sending agencies. We desire to be a engaged in church-planting mission and a mission-planting mission!

Our Strategy

To accomplish this purpose, we have a two-fold Missions Strategy: (1) Supporting missionaries and nationals engaged in gospel ministry in strategic places throughout the world and (2) Mobilizing our congregation in active participation in world missions.

We are partners with a growing number of missionaries and nationals around the world who are engaged in preaching the gospel, training leaders and planting churches. These partnerships include regular financial support as well as prayer, special projects and personal visits to assist them in the work.

Mobilization includes our efforts to keep the fire of God's missionary vision burning in the hearts of the Calvary Community Church family; motivating them to become actively involved in our missions effort through a variety of significant support activities; participating in short-term mission trips; and helping equip them for this purpose.

Our Priorities

  • Church Planting
  • Leadership Training
  • Evangelism
  • Local Church Outreach

By focusing our resources on these few priorities that support our purpose and strategy for missions, we will be able to be more effective with our resources.

Your Role

The Lord instructs His church to reach the whole world, telling us that we should be witnesses in "Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world" (Acts 1:8).

We believe that every follower of the Lord Jesus Christ has a vital role to play in fulfilling the Great Commission. While some people go to the mission field, other people pray for our missionaries, give financially to the missions fund, or provide help to one or more of our missionaries before they go on assignment, while they are in the mission field, upon their return home, or during a time of crisis.